Saturday, 11 May 2013


My Mother's face is beautiful
No matter how many years have flown by.
Her smile is warm and welcoming,
her door is always open.
Her heart is loving and caring no matter the circumstance.
Time only strengthens the bond between my Mother and I.*

*Bài thơ này là món quà từ Thánh Đường Đức Mẹ Lộ Đức thành phố Stirling Tây Úc nhân ngày Mothre's Day 2013 
Riêng tặng my best friends: Elle.C Pham  & Kimtran &Vynn Khang Mother &Anh Minhtran wife (Melbourne)
Special to Mr Đường Xưa06 ( Mother )

Happy Mother's Day to all Mothers .